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Letters Workshop

Taller de Letras, founded in 1971, is a biannual publication (June-December) of the Department of Literature of the Faculty of Letters of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, it also occasionally publishes special issues. It publishes academic essays, articles, reviews and documents in Spanish, English and Portuguese. Its themes address literatures, preferably Latin American, that have an updated theoretical-critical perspective. From a literary axis, it establishes interdisciplinary dialogues around the links between subjectivities, communities and cultures.

Taller de Letras is indexed in the ISI, HAPI, MLA, HLAS, EBSCO, Dialnet, Pro Quest and Latindex databases. In addition, it adheres to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0), so there is the freedom to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format under the following terms: give appropriate credit to the journal, author, url/doi and that its use does not involve profit.

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