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Educational Thought, Latin American Educational Research Journal (PEL)

From the year 2011 Educational Thought, Latin American Educational Research Journal (PEL), has a new editorial line and has become a free access publication, which disseminates original articles that address educational problems from various disciplinary fields and methodological approaches, both national and Latin American.

Education is one of the central areas of development of contemporary society, in terms of its productive expansion, human development, and reduction of gaps in a wide range of inequities. Specialized knowledge in this area is a growing demand in democratic societies and those that aspire to development or its consolidation and expansion.

Therefore, the journal publishes articles on a wide range of educational research topics, such as pedagogy, teaching and learning, higher education, ICTs, educational policies, educational measurement and evaluation, philosophy and history of education, among others. It is also open to receiving empirical papers based on a wide range of traditional and emerging methodologies.

previous issues

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