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If you want to know more about the UC Jounal Portal, we invite you to first review our Frequently Asked Questions. In case of more specific queries, you can send us a message.

Frequent questions

What is the UC Journals Portal?


It is a site where the publications of the research journals of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile that meet the editorial quality and content quality criteria established by the institution are made visible in open access.

What kind of magazines can be found in the Journal Portal?


Research publications edited by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile that meet criteria of high editorial and content quality, following national and international index guidelines.

How can you request the incorporation of a UC journal in this portal?


The publisher should address the request to the Contact Form of this Journals Portal, where the requirement will be evaluated.

What journals make up this portal?


To find out about the publications that make up this portal and find out more information about them, we recommend you visit the section Our Journals from the main menu.

Can journals with access restrictions be published?


No, the Journal Portal is a platform that promotes open access to content published by institutional journals.

Does the journal portal implement the Open Access initiative?


Yes, our Journal Portal responds to the open access initiative by promoting free access to scientific literature and promoting its free availability on the Internet. Always following the philosophy of open access, this platform gives greater visibility to our research journals, promotes the citation of their articles by the national and international scientific community, and provides a space for training and collaboration for the different players in the publishing world. .

Can a journal published by another institution be included in the portal?


No. Our portal only considers, for the moment, the publications of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

How can I find a journal title?


You must use the search box located in the upper right part of the platform and incorporate the name of the publication. It should be noted that when the results are retrieved, both the title of the journal and articles related to the search will be displayed.

On which platform is the portal implemented?


It is implemented on the WordPress platform, version 5.8.2.

Where do you take the information (harvest) from articles and journals?


The information is collected through the OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) protocol. In WordPress, the Tainakan plugin is used, which allows harvesting from the OJS (Open Journal System) platform.